
Beautiful conscious souls,

My name is Imani and I am a writer. I post poetry, research papers, and also journal small notes to myself throughout the days. I write about love, love loss, heartbreak, depression, ptsd, inequality, feminism, racism, violence, etc etc etc. Sometimes people ask me why I never write about things that are “happy.” I’m working on it. For now, I tell them that the process of writing is fulfilling enough to distract me from my own reality.

I am also a researcher. I study public policy and specifically examine inequality and poverty in the United States within the discourse of intersectionality and violence against women and children of color.

I’ve learned the secret to begin organizing my cluttered mind begins with exposing all of my thoughts on paper or on screen, even in it’s jumbled state. It gets the juices pumping. The most important step towards healing is practicing self care. This is whatever makes you feel safe, what brings you peace, in a healthy and productive process. I practice mindfulness meditation, do yoga stretches, listen to my favorite music, burn candles, eat something sweet, read… sometimes I’m alone, sometimes I bask in the company and comfort of loved ones. Whatever it is, find what you need in order to replenish you.

I hope that this space is good to you. I wish that you are reminded that pain does not last forever, and that with your magic, you are unstoppable. Be good to yourself so that you can be good to others. Water your seeds today so that you can continue to bloom into the beautiful garden that was meant to be your masterpiece.


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